Common Troubleshooting of Decanter Centrifuge

Solids control equipment in one of the indispensable mud sand pump equipment used in the process,Desander Hydrocyclone will encounter some of the problems of how we want to troubleshoot it?( Decanter Centrifuge Troubleshooting)

If worn, then Desander Hydrocyclone may be the following two questions:

The first packing (packing) seal leakage serious, packing heavy wear, surface wear sleeve.

Remedy: Remove the packing (packing), with a 90 ° bend thin wire inserted into the cartridge mechanical seals, Oilfield Drilling Mud Decanter Centrifuge is bushings moving wall, if the check of Oilfield Drilling Mud Decanter Centrifuge is to be too deep for-sleeve trench filler cap too tight will lead to severe wear fillers.

Second, DWM Solids Control of polyurethane seals wear serious cause leakage.

Remedy: Replace polyurethane seal (Normally, when the sand pump is running 3-6 months, Drilling Mud Cleaner should be replaced at once polyurethane seals and seal sleeve).

There must be an electrical engineer specializing in operation and maintenance. At present, only a few well-drilling operations abroad with the type of high-speed centrifuge, high performance requirements for drilling special wells, Drilling Mud Cleaner recommended speed centrifuges and centrifuge series of domestic high-speed process, the medium-speed centrifuge drilling into the post-processing of high-speed centrifuge for liquid storage, treatment by high-speed centrifuges, Drilling Fluids Desander used repeatedly into the circulatory system. Drilling Fluids Desander at this time to get a better purification of positive significance to improve the follow-up equipment of DWM Solids Control (drilling sand pump, drilling, downhole equipment, etc.) of the life-saving mud material consumption, improve ROP and other aspects in Dwm control.

Kosun solids control undertakes equipment selection, design and manufacturing according to material data and actual demands of users. We warmly welcome users to visit our Company for field investigation, technical exchange and long-term cooperation.

Kosun- Solid Control System Company

The Component of the Solid Control System

Solid control system is also called drilling fluids purification system, primarily applied for solids control and solid-fluid separation in drilling fluids so that the drilling mud might be recycled. Consisted of 3-7 module composite tanks and configured with 4 phases of purification equipment, it is fit for 2000-7000 meter oil drilling processes. The whole system is innovative with the bottoms of its purification tanks made to be conical and its edges equipped with mud agitating system to prevent solids from depositing. Besides, its tanks and bins may be comparted or united depending on the demands of drilling processes. Each of them is connected to another via pipe network in which the valves at the bottom of suction pipes are flexible while being opened, but can turn to be a good seal when closed.

The Component of the  Solid Control System:

Solid control system

The first main equipment for solid control system should be the vacuum degasser,We could analytics from the function of vacuum degasser. Generally speaking, horizontal vacuum degasser will be used to separate the gas from the drilling solids. What’s the reason to do like that? Because we should do everything to prevent any dangerous elements in oil & gas drilling fields. That’s why we should put the vacuum degasser as the first role.

The second one should be mud cleaner. KOSUN MD Series Mud Cleaner is the second stage separation equipment for drilling fluids, which deals with the mud being treated by the first grade separation equipment. The barite will be recovered and cuttings which are bigger than barite will be removed. Then the barite in the underflow will flow into circulation tanks through the screens when the weighted mud passes while the particles that are bigger than mesh will be removed.

The third equipment, we think it should be shale shaker (with necessary steel frame shaker screen). Actually, after the drilling solids have been transported and fed into vacuum degasser and mud cleaner, the third step is going with shale shaker. Commonly, we still need to be transported the solids onto the shale shaker, or we could say onto the surface of shaker screen. The equipment of transporting we should use is centrifugal sand pump or screw pump; and we may use shear pump to cut the drilling solids into small one if they are in big size. With the different design of the shaker screen’s mesh, we could get the drilling solids separated in different sizes.

The fourth equipment should be the decanter centrifuge. KOSUN DC Series Decanter Centrifuge is used to separate suspended solids ≥2μm in diameter and treat the drilling mud and fluids. It is especially effective when used in oilfield service industry, industrial service industry and especially in environmentally sensitive areas. This type of centrifuge is high in recovery rate, effective in solids control and remarkable in the reduction of cost spent on drilling mud resupplying and management. It is a very sophisticated dynamic balancing machine, able to operate stably with the whirling speed ranging from 0 to 3900 and generate centrifugal force of 3000G. In solid control system, decanter centrifuge has been popularly used, which is also the popular one for drilling waste management. In this step, we could not only get the result of separating, but also we could separate the oil from the drilling solids, even if the oil is just a little part.

Of course, the whole equipment must be mounted on the top of drilling mud tank, which is a kind of basic equipment for both solid control system and drilling waste management (vertical cutting dryer is the core equipment for this system), but it is a kind of powerful equipment.

Kosun- Solid Control System Company

Drilling Waste Management System – Containment and Handling

Drilling Waste Management

Drilling waste management  is more and more important. The necessity of energy is increasing relentlessly. People are becoming more and more power hungry. With the increase in the demand, drilling companies are trying to cope up with the ever increasing demand by setting up new drilling sites.

A major issue that any drilling company has to handle is how to manage the drilling wastes generated from shale shaker cuttings. Drilling waste management companies are trying to sort out the most environment friendly method for the waste management.

Drilling Waste Management Plan
Drilling Waste Management Plan

A major step of drilling waste management plan is managing the containment of the wastes generated by shale shaker. A discussion about the issue is given below.

How the drilling waste is contained and handled: The first issue that should be consider in containing and handling drilling waste is the geographical features of the certain drilling sites.

Containment and handling of drilling wastes are no longer to simply on shore based as more and more companies are engaging in off shore drilling for new source of oil and gas. The most common way of managing shale shaker generated drilling wastes is building and using sumps.

Different types of drilling wastes including cement returns drilling wasted and drilling cuttings are contained in a sump. The sumps that are used to contain drilling wastes should not be built in non – polluted area of surface.

A sump inspection must be performed by experts right before the waste disposed in it. A waste tracking system for the drilling wastes must be developed to control the flow of wastes in the sumps.

A regular and efficient inspection schedule must be maintained by the employees in order to ensure that waste contamination sumps are in subtle condition. Another important issue for handling and contamination of drilling waste is decommissioning the sumps. When any sump is decommissioned, drilling authority must ensure that there is zero possibility of further contamination.

How to Optimize the Performance – Drilling Waste Decanter Centrifuge

Drilling Waste

A centrifuge is a device that works on the concept of centrifugal force. The centrifuge makes an object rotate around its own fixed axis, making a circular motion at a very high speed. A decanter centrifuge does the work of separating the mixture of solid and liquid in industries.

In a decanter centrifuge , when the mixture if fed, the centrifuge is rotated at a very high speed. As the centrifuge spins in a circular motion, perpendicular force is exerted on the mixture. This causes the denser substance in the mixture to move out in a radial direction, that is, towards the surface of imaginary circle, while the substance that is less dense moves inside radially, that is at the center.

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drilling waste


In drilling  waste management in industries, this process helps in separating solids from liquids like oil, so that the oil can be recycled and reused, thus protecting our precious natural oils.
As a decanter centrifuge is used in many industries like Food Processing industries, oil industries, waste water treatment plants and chemical industries , it is very important to optimize its performance so that there is minimum wastage and maximum efficiency.

Criteria for improved performance of drilling waste decanter centrifuge:
    Before feeding the mixture to the decanter centrifuges , the mixture should preferably fed to a shale shaker. This shale shaker will separate big solids from the mixture. Then the resulting mixture must be fed to the decanter for further filtration. This will reduce the wear and tear of the decanter.
    Right amount of centrifugal force must be applied.
    The Speed of the decanter must be optimal so that the solids in the mixture are safely transported out of the machine.
    The decanter centrifuge is prone to abrasion as the solids in the mixture may rub against the walls of the device. So proper care must be taken by using abrasion resistant material especially at the input zone and at the solid output zone.

Drilling Waste Cuttings Treatment – Pit Less Mud System

Drilling Waste

Oil and gas drilling is one of the most prolific business now a days. A very complex mechanism is used to drill oil and gas from the mine. A very common equipment that is seen in oil and gas drilling area is a shale shaker.

There are two basic approaches of drilling using a shale shaker .
The first one is the solid control system which is very popular for drilling now a days.
The second approach is the pit less mud system for drilling. Today the focus will be given on the pit less mud system for drilling.

What is pit less mud system for drilling: The pit less mud system for drilling is basically a process in which no pit is dug on the surface while for collecting cuttings from drilling.

drilling waste
drilling waste

In pit less mud system for  drilling waste cuttings treatment , a very important thing that is required to maintain is a proper integration between the waste management system and solid maintaining process. When the waste cuttings are taken out from shale shakers , two particular equipments named G force drying shaker and vertical cutting dryer are used to extract the liquid and to make the cuttings drier.

After that, the dry cuttings are transported from the shale shaker unit to the disposal unit. In that stage, the waste cuttings can be disposed on the surface without digging any pit. In many oil and gas drilling sites, a more environment friendly approach is taken to dispose drilling waste cuttings.

In that case, the drilling waste cuttings are taken to another unit for the final processing. In this unit, the waste cuttings are processed via solidification process. Waste cuttings can also be processed by thermal desorption machine. Thus, the drilling waste cuttings become contamination free and environment friendly. Then, the waste cuttings can be disposed without any fear.

Drilling Mud Waste Management System of Kosun Strategies

Drilling Mud Waste Management

Drilling Mud Waste management is one of the major concerns for the drilling companies all around the world. It is simply impossible to avoid pollution while shale shaker perform drilling. The main sources of drilling waste are the fluid removed drilling cuttings that are cut by the shale shaker.

Drilling companies are undergoing through an extensive pressure from various environment activists all around the world. So, an environment friendly waste management system is a prime requirement for the drilling companies. Several waste management strategies are taken into action for different types of waste while drilling. Here is a discussion about different types of drilling waste management strategies.

drilling mud waste management
drilling mud waste management

Different approaches for waste management: In order to manage the waste of a drilling site, the first step is to set up necessary solid control equipment like shale shaker. Till now the most popular drilling waste management strategy that is used is dilution. In the dilution process for controlling solids, a certain amount of fluid is extracted from the cuttings and are gathered into a pit. The rest of the cuttings are transformed into a concentrated solid after another extraction of fluid is executed to those by adding any liquid like water or oil.

After this, the drilling wastes become ready to be disposed. In the next step, it is imperative to determine the surface area and the amount of waste that is required to handle. While disposing the wastes, drilling companies can use G force drying shaker to make the wastes radiation and contamination free. Another consideration in drilling waste management is managing the cement returns.

Sometimes cement returns are simply disposed by following the mix bury cover system. In this process, the drilling waste with cement returns is gathered altogether and transformed into hard cement pit. Then, the hard pits of cement returns are grinded into small pieces. After that, the grinded cement pits can be disposed. The whole process of management must not take more than a year.


Drilling Waste Cuttings Treatment of Pit Less Mud System

Drilling Waste

Drilling waste cuttings treatment of Pit Less Mud Systems are also known as closed loop systems. In this closed loop systems solid control equipment are used to minimize the wastage of natural oils used in drilling. The solid control equipment that are used in pit less mud system are:

1) Shale Shaker :
This is the first equipment in solid control equipment for drilling waste cutting. It consists of s screen that does the work of separating the solid and liquid from the mixture. The screen comprises of mesh clot that is attached to a frame using tension. This is usually used for separating very large solids from the liquid. The slurry that is obtained is stored into a tank and then again sent for further filtering to a mud cleaner.

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drilling waste

2) Mud Cleaner :
A mud cleaner combines two processes of desanders and desilters. Here they use a device that separates sand and silt particles from the drilling fluid. As these sand particles are fine, they cannot be removed by a shale shaker. Desander is used for removing solids that are abrasive in nature and dedilters are used to remove silts. The resultant mixture is then sent to a Decanter centrifuge.

3) Decanter Centrifuge  :
It is a fast rotating device that uses centrifugal force and sedimentation principle to remove the solid particles from the drilling fluid. Here the machine is rotated very fast so that the solid which is of high density is forced to go out and the liquid which is of less density is forced to go at the center.

After the mixture is separated, the drilling fluid that is obtained can be reused as a drilling fluid. This not only saves the cost but also helps to prevent the wastage of our limited natural resource.

Also the solid that are obtained are first dried before disposing them or resuing thwm for some special purposes.
Thus some part of the drilling waste cuttings is reused and some part of it properly disposed in an ecofriendly manner.

Drilling Waste Management Market Trends and Forecast, 2017 – 2020

Drilling Waste Management Market

Rapid technology development has improved drilling and production capacity to help exploration and production activities in deep water and ultra deepwater areas worldwide. These factors contributed to the development of the drilling waste management market.

It is expected that the drilling waste management market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.0% from 2015 to 2020 and reach US $ 50.8 billion by 2020. The market is driven by rising demand for oil and gas, which is due to increased investment in emerging economies with proven oideep water and ultra deepwater areas.

The global drilling waste management market is subdivided on the basis of service type, application type and geographical location. Handling and handling, containment and handling, and solid control are three types of services in the drilling waste management market.

Drilling Waste Management Market
Drilling Waste Management Market

Based on the application, the market is divided into two categories: sea and land. In terms of consumption, Europe and North America are the largest market for the entire drilling waste management industry due to extensive and extensive exploration and production activities across the region.

It is estimated that the next five years in North America will be the global leader in the drilling waste management market.

North America is classified according to countries entering the United States, Canada and Mexico. The region accounts for more than half of the market. As the global crude oil price collapses and the market is hit hardest, the number of US rigs dropped by nearly 60% from January 2015 to January 2016, mainly due to higher average cost and production of shale drilling, forcing producers to lower prices In the case of more drilling rigs, compared with other production areas in the lower cost of drilling rigs, such as the Middle East.

The drilling waste management market is dominated by development by Kosun (China), TWMA (U.K.), Ridgeline Energy Services (Canada) and Soli-Bond, Inc. (USA).

With years marketing experience, KOSUN have been expanded its market globally, and have been established the friendly partnership with GAZPROM, PEMEX, AVA, SOCAR, SAE, etc.
To ensure uninterrupted competitive service, KOSUN has a R&D group and an in-depth maintenance program for all our equipments.

KOSUN is international brand in solids control and drilling waste management equipments manufacturer with rich experience, and also engaged in the relevant global service.

What is Important Equipment in Drilling Waste Management?

Drilling Waste management

Drilling waste management entails all processes and precautions required or recommended to ensure a safe environment. Drilling waste contains spent fluids and drilling cuttings that result from the drilling process. The spent fluids and drilling cuttings that are referred to as drilling waste have no use in the ensuing drilling process therefore must be disposed of.

However drilling waste treatment requires that the set environmental management standards and regulations are adhered to for the maintenance of a safe environment and also in order to avoid legal disputes and penalties.

Drilling waste management  system therefore is concerned with using materials, substances and facilities in the drilling process that minimize  drilling waste while at the same time employ proper disposal of waste in a manner that reduces toxicity.

drilling waste management
drilling waste management

Cuttings dryer is a core equipment in drilling waste management because it enhances environmental protection. Designated to meet the strict environmental conditions and guidelines imposed on disposal of cuttings and work site, it utilizes high-speed decanter centrifuge which optimizes liquid and solid separation in high volume processing.

The cutting dryer has the following characteristics
•    Rational structure built into the bedplate that adjusts and balances the distribution of vibrating motion.
•    Enhanced protection of spare parts with wear proof measures which include use of stainless steel for mesh screen and spiral scraper to guarantee long service life.
•    The torque sensor which helps regulate the motor in case of overload in operation thus ensuring reliable operation.
•    Viewports on cone header and bedplate making it easy and convenient to inspect and maintain the screen mesh and spiral scraper.
•    The equipment uses centralized lubrication station which facilitates ease of flow of lubricant to machine parts and reduces damage due to poor lubrication.

The cutting dryer is a welcome and indispensable aspect of  waste management, designed with respect to maintaining a safe environment.

Drilling Waste Management – China Kosun Equipment

Drilling waste Management

Drilling fluids and cuttings are emitted during drilling. According to the American Petroleum Institute estimates that only 1995, the United States onshore drilling to produce about 150 million bbl drilling waste, so the drilling waste recycling is urgent need nowadays.

In order to minimize drilling waste , the use of environmentally friendly tertiary waste treatment methods:
(1) adjust the drilling process or use the appropriate drilling fluid, so that the waste generated by the drilling process at least;
(2) will have been reduced to Minimum drilling waste is recycled as much as possible; and
(3) Drilling waste treatment  that can not be recycled by lawful meant.

drilling waste management
drilling waste management

1. Use synthetic base drilling fluid
The new synthetic base drilling fluid has the drilling characteristics of oil-based mud, but does not contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but also has low toxicity, faster biodegradability and low bioaccumulation. Will not bring great environmental impact to the seabed. Compared with water-based mud, synthetic mud makes the wellbore cleaner and more stable, resulting in fewer cuttings and can be recycled, usually water-based mud cuttings directly into the sea.

2.Drilling fluid recycling
Will be used oil-based mud and water-based mud recycling, to minimize the amount of drilling waste emissions.

3. Treatment of drilling waste
Conventional land-based drilling waste is treated by first extracting the liquid portion of the slurry pool and then landing or dispersing the remaining solid material in situ. In oil and gas production areas, oilfield waste is dedicated to landfills; other areas will meet the emission standards of drilling waste transported to urban or industrial waste landfill. Another approach is to recycle the waste into the formation through the drilling annulus, including pouring the effluent into the formation fractures at a pressure above the formation fracture pressure or pouring the effluent into the formation at a pressure below the formation fracture pressure Natural cracks and salt holes.

Oil and gas industry has made great progress in environmental protection, there are a variety of drilling waste disposal methods, operators can be in accordance with the relevant legal requirements, cost and environmental requirements to choose the most appropriate drilling dirt treatment methods. New drilling waste disposal methods are being studied to meet future environmental requirements.