Introduction to sand and mud removal cyclones

The material of the mud removal cyclone is polyurethane, and the material of the sand settling port is polyurethane + KM wear-resistant coating. The mud removal cyclone is equipped with three specifications of underflow ports: Φ14, Φ18, and Φ22. The appropriate specification should be selected according to different mud conditions. The feed pressure should be controlled between 0.08-0.30 MPa.

The material of the sand removal cyclone is a steel shell lined with rubber, and the material of the sand settling port is high-alumina ceramic. The sand removal cyclone is equipped with three specifications of underflow ports: Φ70, Φ80, and Φ90. The appropriate specification should be selected according to different mud conditions. The feed pressure should be controlled between 0.03-and 0.40 MPa.

Storage precautions for polyurethane cyclones:

The rubber lining components of the cyclone should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time during storage because strong ultraviolet rays can cause the aging of these materials. The equipment should be stored indoors as much as possible. If stored outdoors, it should always be covered with tarps or other protective layers.
The equipment should be placed in a safe environment to avoid falling objects or heavy objects, preventing damage to the equipment.
The equipment should be kept away from corrosive liquids or fumes.
The equipment should be kept away from high temperatures, direct flame, and welding.

How to Optimize the Performance – Drilling Waste Decanter Centrifuge

Drilling Waste

A centrifuge is a device that works on the concept of centrifugal force. The centrifuge makes an object rotate around its own fixed axis, making a circular motion at a very high speed. A decanter centrifuge does the work of separating the mixture of solid and liquid in industries.

In a decanter centrifuge , when the mixture if fed, the centrifuge is rotated at a very high speed. As the centrifuge spins in a circular motion, perpendicular force is exerted on the mixture. This causes the denser substance in the mixture to move out in a radial direction, that is, towards the surface of imaginary circle, while the substance that is less dense moves inside radially, that is at the center.

drilling waste -
drilling waste


In drilling  waste management in industries, this process helps in separating solids from liquids like oil, so that the oil can be recycled and reused, thus protecting our precious natural oils.
As a decanter centrifuge is used in many industries like Food Processing industries, oil industries, waste water treatment plants and chemical industries , it is very important to optimize its performance so that there is minimum wastage and maximum efficiency.

Criteria for improved performance of drilling waste decanter centrifuge:
    Before feeding the mixture to the decanter centrifuges , the mixture should preferably fed to a shale shaker. This shale shaker will separate big solids from the mixture. Then the resulting mixture must be fed to the decanter for further filtration. This will reduce the wear and tear of the decanter.
    Right amount of centrifugal force must be applied.
    The Speed of the decanter must be optimal so that the solids in the mixture are safely transported out of the machine.
    The decanter centrifuge is prone to abrasion as the solids in the mixture may rub against the walls of the device. So proper care must be taken by using abrasion resistant material especially at the input zone and at the solid output zone.

Drilling Mud Waste Management System of Kosun Strategies

Drilling Mud Waste Management

Drilling Mud Waste management is one of the major concerns for the drilling companies all around the world. It is simply impossible to avoid pollution while shale shaker perform drilling. The main sources of drilling waste are the fluid removed drilling cuttings that are cut by the shale shaker.

Drilling companies are undergoing through an extensive pressure from various environment activists all around the world. So, an environment friendly waste management system is a prime requirement for the drilling companies. Several waste management strategies are taken into action for different types of waste while drilling. Here is a discussion about different types of drilling waste management strategies.

drilling mud waste management
drilling mud waste management

Different approaches for waste management: In order to manage the waste of a drilling site, the first step is to set up necessary solid control equipment like shale shaker. Till now the most popular drilling waste management strategy that is used is dilution. In the dilution process for controlling solids, a certain amount of fluid is extracted from the cuttings and are gathered into a pit. The rest of the cuttings are transformed into a concentrated solid after another extraction of fluid is executed to those by adding any liquid like water or oil.

After this, the drilling wastes become ready to be disposed. In the next step, it is imperative to determine the surface area and the amount of waste that is required to handle. While disposing the wastes, drilling companies can use G force drying shaker to make the wastes radiation and contamination free. Another consideration in drilling waste management is managing the cement returns.

Sometimes cement returns are simply disposed by following the mix bury cover system. In this process, the drilling waste with cement returns is gathered altogether and transformed into hard cement pit. Then, the hard pits of cement returns are grinded into small pieces. After that, the grinded cement pits can be disposed. The whole process of management must not take more than a year.


What is Important Equipment in Drilling Waste Management?

Drilling Waste management

Drilling waste management entails all processes and precautions required or recommended to ensure a safe environment. Drilling waste contains spent fluids and drilling cuttings that result from the drilling process. The spent fluids and drilling cuttings that are referred to as drilling waste have no use in the ensuing drilling process therefore must be disposed of.

However drilling waste treatment requires that the set environmental management standards and regulations are adhered to for the maintenance of a safe environment and also in order to avoid legal disputes and penalties.

Drilling waste management  system therefore is concerned with using materials, substances and facilities in the drilling process that minimize  drilling waste while at the same time employ proper disposal of waste in a manner that reduces toxicity.

drilling waste management
drilling waste management

Cuttings dryer is a core equipment in drilling waste management because it enhances environmental protection. Designated to meet the strict environmental conditions and guidelines imposed on disposal of cuttings and work site, it utilizes high-speed decanter centrifuge which optimizes liquid and solid separation in high volume processing.

The cutting dryer has the following characteristics
•    Rational structure built into the bedplate that adjusts and balances the distribution of vibrating motion.
•    Enhanced protection of spare parts with wear proof measures which include use of stainless steel for mesh screen and spiral scraper to guarantee long service life.
•    The torque sensor which helps regulate the motor in case of overload in operation thus ensuring reliable operation.
•    Viewports on cone header and bedplate making it easy and convenient to inspect and maintain the screen mesh and spiral scraper.
•    The equipment uses centralized lubrication station which facilitates ease of flow of lubricant to machine parts and reduces damage due to poor lubrication.

The cutting dryer is a welcome and indispensable aspect of  waste management, designed with respect to maintaining a safe environment.

Drilling Waste Treatment System – From Kosun Manufacturer

Drilling Waste Treatment

Drilling waste treatment more and more get recognized and popoular in industry.

Over the past few decades, the oil and gas industry has taken various measures to minimize the waste generated by drilling in order to better protect the environment and public safety.

Drilling operators use environmentally friendly tertiary waste treatment methods to deal with drilling waste:
in the first stage, the operator adjusts the drilling process or displaces the appropriate drilling fluid to minimize the waste generated during the drilling process. This is both for the operator to reduce the cost of dirt treatment, but also more conducive to environmental protection.
The second stage, will have been reduced to a low limit of drilling waste as much as possible recycling.
The third level, through a legitimate way to deal with can not be recycled drilling waste.

drilling waste treatment
drilling waste treatment

Offshore drilling waste treatment   is limited to emissions, re-injection or return to shore.

In contrast, land operators have a large range of options in dealing with drilling fluids. Usually onshore drilling waste in situ; on the offshore platform, most of the water-based mud and cuttings and synthetic slurry are poured into the sea; some land drilling waste is transported to commercial waste disposal outside the well site And offshore oil-based mud and cuttings must be returned to shore or re-injected into the ground at the well site.

At present, drilling companies are studying new drilling fluids for different stratigraphic conditions. The new drilling fluid not only has the proper drilling characteristics, but also contains less harmful additives that inhibit vegetation growth.

The use of new, more environmentally friendly additives in place of important components in drilling fluids, such as the use of ilmenite powder instead of barite powder as a mud aggravating agent, can reduce the impact on the environment.
Current drilling fluid heat treatment costs are high, and not suitable for offshore use. The future may improve the drilling fluid heat recovery drilling waste treatment technology, reduce processing costs, improve the organic lye recovery rate. The new approach will improve safety and effectiveness and make it suitable for offshore drilling platforms.

Drilling Waste Treatment Importance Equipment from Kosun

Drilling Waste treatment

Drilling Waste Treatment Equipment With the development of the oil industry, the pollution problems caused by drilling are also getting more and more attention.

China’s oil field per year only drilling production of waste drilling fluid produced about more than 900,000 cubic meters, of which one-third of the discharge to the environment, the environment and stratigraphy have caused varying degrees of pollution. Drilling pollution is mainly based on waste drilling fluid and waste water pollution.

Drilling produces waste, including waste drilling fluids, diamond cuttings with drilling fluids, simply a mixture, such as excess cement, isolation fluids and other fluids. The amount of drilling waste is determined by a number of factors including the size of the wellbore, the efficiency of the solid-controlled equipment, the solid-phase capacity of the drilling fluid, the ability of the drilling fluid to inhibit the dispersion of the cuttings, and the amount of drilling fluid remaining on the cuttings.

drilling waste treatment
drilling waste treatment

The percentage of solid phase in the waste drilling fluid varies from 50% to 25% of the maximum. There is always a certain amount of drilling fluid with the cuttings together with the waste, no matter how good the solid control equipment, drilling fluid can not be separated from the cuttings. If these effluents are discharged, they will cause significant pollution to the environment.
Abandoned drilling mud pollution of the environment, in essence, waste drilling mud in the liquid phase of the environment pollution, vertical cutting,liquid reuse as a resource recycling as an important means of waste disposal.

In response to this issue, Tsunami Oil conducted a three-year repeated research and experiment, through a different treatment process, successively in Xinjiang Tarim Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield and other drilling waste management equipment on-site construction, Solid phase to meet the national requirements of the emission standards, most of the liquid phase as a slurry base for the re-use of resources, only a small amount of liquid after the depth of treatment after the standard discharge or re-injection.

A large extent to reduce the production costs of drilling fluid, but also to achieve the energy-saving emission reduction, the purpose of safety and environmental protection.

Drilling Waste Management Equipment by Kosun

Drilling Waste Management

In the process of drilling a water or oil hole, the solids that are obtained and the drilling fluid get mixed. This is called drilling waste. This waste must first be separated for proper management.

Drilling waste management equipment including: Vertical Cuttings Dryer(

Vertical Centrifuge),  D Series Decanter Centrifuge ,   Screw Pump……

After separation of the mixture, the drilling fluid that is obtained can be reused. But for the solids that are obtained, proper measures need to be taken so that there is minimum wastage and no harm is caused to the environment.

Kosun Drilling Waste management
Drilling Waste Management

The first step is to take care that the waste which is generated is as minimum as possible. This can be done by slightly changing the way, the hole is drilled. That is instead of conventional drilling other drillings options must be considered like;
1] Directional Drilling: Here instead of going directly vertical, drilling is done by taking angles while going down. Its variations are extended reach drilling, horizontal drilling and multiple laterals.
2] Drilling holes with small diameter: Technologies used to obtain holes with smaller diameter are slim hole drilling and coiled tubing drilling.
3] Techniques in which less drilling fluid is required like pneumatic drilling.

The second step is to use those fluids that does not harm our environment. Examples of such fluids are Synthetic Based muds (SBM) that biodegradable, does not accumulate and digs clean holes and has almost no toxicity.

Third is that, the wastes that are obtained must be reused as much as possible. The fluid that is obtained can be reused again as a drilling fluid. The solid cuttings that are obtained can be reused by spreading it on road and preventing road erosion or using it as a construction material.

Lastly, proper care must be taken for those solids that cannot be used and needs to be disposed. For pits may be build or may be dumped as landfills, where another layer of soil or other material.
The advantages of Drilling waste management are:
•    It is good for the environment and saves energy.
•    It reduces the cost of operation as we get to reuse the materials.

Drilling waste management equipment including: Vertical Cuttings Dryer(

Vertical Centrifuge),  D Series Decanter Centrifuge ,   Screw Pump……

Drill Waste Management Delivery to Foreign Countries

Drill Waste Management

Drill waste management got well appraised by customers at home and abroud.  At the same time ,  a lot of orders come from all over the word.

Drill waste management that from  Kosun received considerable orders from Africa and Russia at the start of new year 2017.

drill waste management equipment
drill waste management

Why drill waste equipment is so popolar by custome
There are below reasons:

  • First and the most thing is high quality
  • strong Research and Development team
  • much more experices
  • Customer Oriented
  • excellent cost performances in using effect and service life.
  • recommend the most suitable products for customers according to their practical requirements
  • Perfect after sale services
  • Drill waste equipment is customized by KOSUN for Kazakhstan  and Russia customers  that has completed production and commissioning work , which will be shipped recently.Drill waste equipment is designed by customers actual needs. In the system design process and equipment configuration on both the cost and processing results.  Achieve the best processing results with the lowest cost under customer requirements.
  • KOSUN is capable of providing customers with such three series as oil & gas drilling solids control equipment, centrifuges and drilling waste treatment equipment, including 25 categories of products, which are extensively used in oil & gas drilling and workover, cutting dryers,  coalbed methane drilling,  vertical cuttings dryer, shale gas drilling, water well, geothermal well drilling, trenchless horizontal directional crossing projects, mine gravel staged treatment, tailings treatment, rive dredging works, industrial wastewater treatment, environmentally friendly sewage treatment, waste oil recovery and purification treatment, etc.
  • Kosun constantly sum up their own shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses,learn more about  experience . Our goal aimes to strive to the world first.  Although there is still a great distance, but we believe that as long as we pay more attention to  do every steps, keep up with the pace of the times, the goal is no longer distant.

Drilling Mud Waste Management System Ideal Chosen

Drilling Mud Waste Management

Drilling mud waste management belongs to in Waste Management System.

Kosun drilling waste cuttings unit is a small package for different functions of drilling waste management .

Drilling Mud Waste management
Drilling Mud Waste management

Benefits and Features:

1 Easy to install:  Every modular waste management components are self-contained and used for their own functions. The operator only needs to connect the hose through the quick connection and plug in the power supply module.

2 Fast delivery, price concessions: Although the layout is customized for different applications, but each module unit has a different selection criteria, which allows Kosun to mass production of large quantities of components, and to maintain the module unit inventory. This allows Kosun to give customers a good price for drilling the rapid delivery of waste management components.

3 Flexibility: Accoring to the application, the operator selects the component and provides only the required waste management unit for different jobs. In addition, due to the compact size of the modular unit, the operator can arrange the components at the construction site with the best flexibility.

4 Easy transport: Most rigs are located in remote areas, large transport is very difficult, and waste management components allow the operator to easily load components onto small trucks or longer trucks.

Drilling waste cutting equipment which we produce experience in API, IADC, ISO and CE certification for drilling solid control equipment and drilling waste cutting management equipment for more than 20 years.
The full range of solid control equipment includes settling centrifuge, mud shaker, mud washer, lean oil degasser, pump, mud tank system. Vertical centrifuges and related screw pumps and screw conveyors belong to our drilling waste management equipment business scope.

Not only the supply of drilling waste cuttings  equipment, KOSUN also manufactures and manufactures spare parts for oil and gas related spare parts for drilling as a substitute for the equipment you are currently using.

Drilling Waste Management System From Famous Brand Kosun

Drilling Waste Management System

Drilling Waste Management System is very popular in the drilling industry.  There are three series:
1.oil & gas drilling solids control equipment
2.drilling waste treatment equipment
3. decanter centrifuges

drilling waste management system
drilling waste management system

Including 25 categories of products which can be provided by Kosun.
They are used in below category:
1.coalbed methane drilling
2.shale gas drilling
3.water well
4.geothermal well drilling
5.trenchless horizontal directional crossing projects,
6.mine gravel staged treatment
7.tailings treatment
8.rive dredging works
9.industrial wastewater treatment
10.environmentally friendly sewage treatment
11.waste oil recovery and purification treatment
12.oil &gas drillingand workover.etc.

drilling waste management system
drilling waste management system

In order to meet  for the requirements of international market, KOSUN have got approval of ISO9001, API SPEC Q1, ISO/TS 29001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, CE, EAC and BV certificates.

Advantages and Benefits

1.Recovery and Recycling
Reducing, recycling and recovery are key to effective waste management
deal with. We try to recycle and recover, reduce operating costs
As well as the affect on the environment.

2.Processing and Disposal
We provide several processing and handling options to solve your drilling waste need.
They were selected as part of our engineering fluid management
SM process to determine the appropriate action required – given specific fluid types, environmental restrictions and created waste streams

3.Inclusive and Handling
With the increasing pay more attention on environmental protection, the industry is dedicated to safe control and handling of drilling waste.
We share this commitment with the equipment portfolio to mitigate issues related to managing drilling waste,
Reduce environmental compliance issues and promote best practices.

Drilling waste management system not only shorten the drilling time but alos minimize borehole problems and take systematic measures.
Method to carry out the life cycle analysis of the well, can improve and maximize the drilling performance.

Kosun website welcome your coming. We will try our best to provide best service and high quality products. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.  We are happy to assist you.