Drilling Waste Management System from Kosun Equipment

Drilling Waste Management System

Drilling waste management system demand  from below 5 points:
1.optimized solid control,
2.containment and disposal,

5.treatment and disposal.

But this is not what we offer. 

We provide a complete range of services : maximum range and minimum risk so to meet all your drilling waste management. We offer a premium product warranty maximum reliability with minimum environmental risk.

drilling waste management system
drilling waste management system

To the people: we also offer maximum support from experienced, knowledgeable People – before and after you purchase – anywhere in the world. And by coupling. With a variety of high quality equipment and waste management expertise, we help ensure that maximum compliance with applicable regulations with minimum liability.

From service, you can not only get the comprehensive performance plan for each item, bu t alsp you get one thorough review, completion of a baseline comparative summary, review of established objectives,lessons learned and recommendations for improving future project procedures.

Reflecting the solid control – recovery and reuse, containment and handling of the specific needs of the kit,
Treatment and disposal. Shorten drilling time, minimize borehole problems and take systematic measures.
Method for well life cycle analysis can improve and maximize drilling performance.

We are able to provide our customers with three series of oil and gas drilling solid control equipment, centrifuges and drilling waste treatment equipment, including 25 products, which are widely used in oil and gas drilling and well repairing, CBM drilling, shale gas drilling, Drilling, vertical dryer ,trenchless horizontal directional crossover engineering, ore gravel stage treatment, tailings treatment, river dredging engineering, industrial wastewater treatment, environmental protection sewage treatment, waste oil recovery and purification treatment.
As for the requirements of the international market, Kosun has passed ISO9001, API SPEC Q1, ISO / TS 29001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, CE, EAC and BV certification.

We are looking forward to your contaction. Welcome !

Drilling Waste Treatment Guarantee Quality First by Kosun

Drilling Waste Treatment

Drilling waste  treatment are increasing gradually. Mining and Drilling Waste Processing Oil and gas extraction operations generate a variety of liquid waste streams, including vertical  cuttings dryer  and tailings, which require transport and disposal. For many operations, this mining and drilling waste can become a profit killer. Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) effectively cure waste without significantly increasing weight or volume to reduce waste transportation and disposal costs.

To provide a fully customized drilling waste management solution, we employ a broad portfolio of modular or mobile technologies to deploy a unique configuration tailored to your operational needs.

From centrifuges to cutting machines, vacuum and conveying systems to heat treatment equipment, we have the right products to solve any challenge, as well as the implementation of the ideal solution by professionally trained personnel.

drilling waste treatment machine
drilling waste treatment machine

Maximizing Drilling Efficiency
By adopting flexible operational, technical and logistical approaches, we are able to balance the complexity of regulatory and economic conditions, design and deploy optimal waste management solutions, and maximize drilling efficiency.

Environmental Leadership
We offer drilling waste solutions that are designed to meet or exceed your project’s environmental regulations. Reducing waste, liquid reuse and advanced cutting treatments all help limit waste transport and reduce the risk of environmental accidents.

Reduce total cost
Efficient solutions help reduce waste processing time, transport and handling, and help ease logistics challenges. Our custom  drilling waste solutions are designed to deliver these efficiencies and help you reduce the total cost of your oil well operations.

Kosun is an international brand of solid control and drilling waste management equipment manufacturers with extensive experience and global service.

Branch-will serve wholeheartedly for domestic and foreign customer service, with strong technical strength and perfect after-sales service system. Branch-look forward to your negotiations and cooperation!

Kosun has the confidence to provide more cost-effective equipment and mud systems in 2017.

Drilling Waste Treatment of Pit Less Mud System by Kosun

Drilling Waste Treatment

Drilling waste  treatment  of pit Less Mud system,  is a very important thing that is required to maintain is a proper integration between the drilling waste management system and solid maintaining process.

Oil and gas drilling is one of the most prolific business now a days. A very complex mechanism is used to drill oil and gas from the mine. A very common equipment that is seen in oil and gas drilling area is a shale shaker.

There are two basic approaches of drilling using shale shakers .
The first one is the solid control system which is very popular for drilling now a days.
The second approach is the pit less mud system for drilling. Today the focus will be given on the pit less mud system for drilling.

Drilling waste treatment for sale
Drilling waste treatment

What is pit less mud system for drilling: The pit less mud system for drilling is basically a process in which no pit is dug on the surface while for collecting cuttings from drilling.

When the drilling waste cuttings are taken out from shell shaker, two particular equipments named G force drying shaker and vertical cutting dryer are used to extract the liquid and to make the cuttings drier. After that, the dry cuttings are transported from the shale shaker unit to the disposal unit. In that stage, the waste cuttings can be disposed on the surface without digging any pit. In many oil and gas drilling sites, a more environment friendly approach is taken to dispose drilling waste cuttings .

In that case, the drilling waste cuttings are taken to another unit for the final processing. In this unit, the waste cuttings are processed via solidification process. Waste cuttings can also be processed by thermal desorption machine. Thus, the drilling waste cuttings become contamination free and environment friendly. Then, the waste cuttings can be disposed without any fear.

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge Performance of Kosun

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge

The main part of a Drilling waste management system is the decanter centrifuge. Decanter centrifuge is typically used for treatment of waste water, separation of slurry and sludge from oil etc. here are some ways to maximize the performance of a decanter centrifuge :
•    It can be operated along with a Hi-g drying shaker for treating water based drilling waste or cuttings. After treating the waste with shakers, the mass is sent out into the decanter centrifuge for separating fine solids.

drilling decanter centrifuge
drilling decanter centrifuge

•    Vertical cutting dryers are widely used in almost every drilling field. Using decanter centrifuge along with vertical dryer will help in treating oil based and synthetic based drilling waste . The cuttings are first treated in shale shakers, then in vertical dryers and then go onto the decanter centrifuge.
•    Choosing the correct type of decanter centrifuge is also of utmost importance. Details of the equipment must be discussed with the supplier and the manufacturer. Operators can get a rough idea about the working performance and efficiency by looking through the data of machines in similar conditions.
•    The decanter centrifuges you choose must be according to your design. Some applications require high speed while others require a big bowl for separation. Remember to always have a clear picture in your mind beforehand before buying the machine.
•    The same model of the machine can also have minor difference is feeding technique, fluid level and layout of the machine. Any change in them can drastically affect the performance of the machine.
•    Last but not least, the machine should be operated by a professional operator. Decanter centrifuge requires highly skilled operators for its functions. A lot of things depend on the capabilities of the operator. The major problem most jobsites suffer from is the lack of skilled operators. So, this aspect of the machine is no less important than the others.

Drilling Waste Management Core Equipment : Cutting Dryer

Drilling Waste Management System

Drilling waste management system equipment is consist of vertical cutting dryer , D Series Decanter Centrifuge , Screw Pump ……Industrialists and operators are looking for ways to recover synthetic based and oil based fluids used for drilling to reuse them, safeguarding both economic and environmental objectives.

Cuttings dryer reduces the amount of drilling waste that is produced and that which has to be transported and helps in recovering the reusable fluids. This makes a significant impact on the expenditure spend and helps in saving a lot of money, not to mention the environmental benefits.

Drilling Waste Management System
Drilling Waste Management System

Cutting dryer also reduces the amount of drill cuttings and wastes.
A normal dryer intake the wet drilling wastes and delivers the same amount of cuttings minus the drilling fluids. The drilling fluids are collected using centrifugal force and such dryers are normally called centrifugal dryers. Conventional dryers involve a number of steps for recycling drill fluids.

The cuttings have to be collected and transported to special equipment. This requires a large amount of manpower. Also, the transportation of cuttings poses several practical problems, such as the degradation of cuttings before they reach a dryer. This leads to the cuttings breaking down and makes fluid recovery more or less impractical, owing to its poor efficiency. As a result, this can actually increase the amount of drilling waste , making the whole process of fluid recovery a waste of time.

But new methods have now been developed by various industries for fluid recovery. It makes use of high speed air and pressure to recover fluids. The air dries the cuttings and is collected by a particular system to retrieve the drilling fluids.

As the machine can now be operated at less power, they require only minimum maintenance and manpower. The operating cost of such machines is way below the cost of centrifugal dryers and is less susceptible to mechanical failure. They also provide a greater output, resulting in a better efficiency.

Drilling Mud Waste Management Engineer Duties of Kosun

Drilling Mud Waste Management

Drilling Mud Waste Management system of Kosun is well recognized by customer at home and abroad.

Drilling is the sheer process undertaken to extract oil and gas from the earth for commercial and industrial use. It is actually a trillion dollar industry that is important for each and every country.

Over the past few years, the processes or drilling activities have increases subsequently, thanks to the ever rising demand for fuels and gases. With increases level of drilling activities, there occurred another problem, the drilling waste generated also increased manifold. So in the present world with much importance given to ideas of sustainability and limited use of exhaustible resources, effective drilling mud waste management also came to the spotlight.

Drilling mud waste management
Drilling mud waste management

As a result of all these developments, most companies undertaking these activities irrespective of whether they are government funded or private shifted towards better technologies and techniques to better safeguard the environment.

This was done mainly through the effective disposal of drilling waste that can cause great harm to the environment. Although all these methods and equipments were set up, the companies needed someone to ensure proper functioning of all these.

This is the role of a drilling mud waste management engineer in extraction companies. He acts as a supervisor and ensures proper drilling waste management and handling, right from the initial phases to their disposal.

He/she hired for the job is responsible for ensuring proper functioning of all process related to waste management and subsequent disposal. In the initial phases, where the solid and fuel wastes are separated from the oil and gas extracted, these engineers ensure no spillage or leakage in the machinery and that all these wastes are efficiently collected for transportation.

The transportation and subsequent disposal is also kept under check by these professionals. He/she undertaking the job also needs to have sufficient knowledge and skill for tackling any challenges that may stand in the way.

Drill Waste Management System by Kosun Manufacturer

Drill Waste Management System

Drilling waste management system of Kosun with high quality is well known all over the world.

Drilling waste management system is composed  of: Vertical cuttings dryer , D Series Decanter Centrifuge ,  Screw Pump……

The term drilling refers to the very process of extraction of essential substances like oil and gas from the ground. The process is a couple of centuries old and today, it is a trillion dollar industry. It is in fact, one of the most important aspects measuring a country’s development and global position.

drilling waste management system
drilling waste management system

But like any other process, drilling also has some side effects in the form of unwanted waste. This waste generated as a result of drilling process is termed drilling waste and is not something that can be neglected, given the very large quantities generated each year. To shed further light into the fact, let us consider an example.

A study conducted back in 1995 showed a total quantity of 150 million barrels or drilling waste generated in America alone. Today the case is more severe as the extraction of the substances has also increased exponentially with equally rising demand.

So if you do the math, the amount that is generated each year on a global scale can amount to gigantic figures. Thus the process of drilling waste management and handling is of great importance in the present scenario.

Drilling waste may be in solid or fluid forms. Both types of wastes are generated at the end of an extraction process. But in order to handle or manage these wastes more effectively, experts classified them into two further subdivisions. They are namely, acceptable and non acceptable. As the name suggest, the first one is less dangerous and would degrade causing little or no harm to the environment. But that is not the case for non acceptable wastes. These require more careful handling and if left unattended, they may cause catastrophic results in the future.

Various methods for managing and disposing drilling waste have been developed so far and most of the organizations undertaking these activities have also put them to good use.

Drilling Waste Management of Kosun Solid Control

Drilling Waste Management

Drilling Waste Management functions involves the various procedures of collection, containment and handling of the waste followed by a proper method for its disposal.

Drilling waste is the byproduct or unwanted matter generated as a result of drilling activities done for the extraction of precious fuels. Gas and oil are the most common products obtained from drilling and the byproducts include both of solid and fluid nature.

However, it is not the nature of the waste that worries us, but the effect it has on our environment and Mother Nature. So scientists have classified these wastes into two categories, acceptable and non acceptable.

This helps us identify each type of drilling waste and how dangerous it can turn out to be is not properly managed and disposed. Thus the importance of drilling waste management and drilling waste disposal method is an idea that is of very high relevance to the present era.

Drilling Waste Management
Drilling Waste Management

A successful drilling operation requires this aspect to be well taken care of. As a result, many private and public organizations undertaking these activities have turned to green and eco friendly means for making the activity a more sustainable and conservative one. Today there are several effective methods for proper waste disposal which are also put to best use.

Drilling waste management system involves with below products: Vertical Cuttings Dryer( Vertical Centrifuge), D Series Decanter Centrifuge , Screw Pump ……

The drilling waste generated as a result of all these activities are first separated from the desired quantity of matter by suitable methods. Conventional processes like settling and filtering where used for quite a long time since its introduction. But with advancements in technology, the facilities will also improve and this resulted in yet another technique that takes care of this separation procedure mechanically.

This separated waste is isolated and stored in some proper tanks and is later transported for proper disposal. Drilling waste is sometimes converted into more useful products. Agricultural fertilizers is an example for such a product.

Drilling Waste Management Functions of Kosun

Drilling Waste Management Functions

Drilling waste management functions is different involve with  drilling waster management system .

Drilling waste management is a very complex work. As there is a concern for the environmental degradation due to the contamination caused by an inefficient disposal of shale shaker generated drilling waste, drilling companies all around the world try to handle the total procedure of drilling waste management professionally.

A specific systematic process is followed in the approach of waste management. In this process, there are several functions that should be followed one by one. This step by step procedure helps to develop an efficient waste management system. In this article, an attempt will be taken to have snake peak to all the functions that are involved in a drilling waste management.

drilling waste management functions
drilling waste management functions

Drilling waste management functions : The first function of any companies drilling waste management is equipping the essential equipment and tools in the drilling areas. These equipments include shale shaker, vertical dryer and G force drying shaker etc. After equipping these machines, the drilling waste is gathered in a pit for processing. In the next phase, the function that is required to perform is to control the solid concentration.

An increased solid concentration in the waste is hard to dispose. The next activity in the to do list for drilling waste management is determining the particle size and the volume of waste that is required to be disposed.

The surface area that would be used for the disposal should also be prepared in this stage. In the next step, the drilling waste gets separated from the core mineral products that have been extracted from the mines. It is a redundant process in which the focus is given to extract the maximum amount of mineral.

After the separation, the drilling waste is processed for decontamination via various equipments. After that the waste gets disposed finally in the environment.

Drilling Waste Treatment Approach by Kosun

Drilling Waste Treatment

Drilling waste treatment  approach by Kosun play a very important role in  reducing waste generated during drilling activities to acceptable levels of the environment.

Oil and gas extraction has been a trillion dollar industry and will be for years to come. Thus the process and consequences of the extraction of these precious gifts from the earth also needs to be considered with some level of seriousness.

Drilling waste management equipment including: Vertical Cuttings Dryer( Vertical Centrifuge), D Series Decanter Centrifuge , Screw Pump , Hi-G Dryer and so on.

drilling waste treatment
drilling waste treatment

Due to the heavy demand of these commodities on a global scale, the activities that led to its production increases significantly over the years. This in turn, led to the generation of large quantities of unwanted waste, referred to as drilling waste.

So some suitable method for its disposal was requisite to the keep the problem under control. As a result of this, scientists and experts developed some effective techniques for effective and economical disposal of drilling waste and let’s take a look at some of the popular ones.

Drilling waste produced as a result of extraction of oil and gas are mainly categorized based on two different criterions. The first one, based on the nature of particles in the waste is divided into fluid wastes and solid wastes. The second classification based on how harmful the waste is towards environment categorizes it into acceptable and non acceptable waste disposal. Non acceptable are considered more dangerous and volatile to the environment and needs to be disposed off with greater care.

Today, with much importance given to ideas of sustainability and conservation, many companies in the extraction have taken it into making the process more environmental friendly. This can be done only through an effective waste disposal system.

There are truck services and transportation services available today that moves this waste from the extraction area for proper disposal. Later it is disposed off or converted into a useful form, agricultural fertilizers for instance. Salt water spills, fresh water drilling mud, crude oil spills etc are the byproducts of inefficient waste disposal. In cases of oil spillage, specialized services are available as well.