Drilling Waste Treatment
Drilling waste treatment approach by Kosun play a very important role in reducing waste generated during drilling activities to acceptable levels of the environment.
Oil and gas extraction has been a trillion dollar industry and will be for years to come. Thus the process and consequences of the extraction of these precious gifts from the earth also needs to be considered with some level of seriousness.
Drilling waste management equipment including: Vertical Cuttings Dryer( Vertical Centrifuge), D Series Decanter Centrifuge , Screw Pump , Hi-G Dryer and so on.

Due to the heavy demand of these commodities on a global scale, the activities that led to its production increases significantly over the years. This in turn, led to the generation of large quantities of unwanted waste, referred to as drilling waste.
So some suitable method for its disposal was requisite to the keep the problem under control. As a result of this, scientists and experts developed some effective techniques for effective and economical disposal of drilling waste and let’s take a look at some of the popular ones.
Drilling waste produced as a result of extraction of oil and gas are mainly categorized based on two different criterions. The first one, based on the nature of particles in the waste is divided into fluid wastes and solid wastes. The second classification based on how harmful the waste is towards environment categorizes it into acceptable and non acceptable waste disposal. Non acceptable are considered more dangerous and volatile to the environment and needs to be disposed off with greater care.
Today, with much importance given to ideas of sustainability and conservation, many companies in the extraction have taken it into making the process more environmental friendly. This can be done only through an effective waste disposal system.
There are truck services and transportation services available today that moves this waste from the extraction area for proper disposal. Later it is disposed off or converted into a useful form, agricultural fertilizers for instance. Salt water spills, fresh water drilling mud, crude oil spills etc are the byproducts of inefficient waste disposal. In cases of oil spillage, specialized services are available as well.