Drilling Waste Management System
Drilling waste management system equipment is consist of vertical cutting dryer , D Series Decanter Centrifuge , Screw Pump ……Industrialists and operators are looking for ways to recover synthetic based and oil based fluids used for drilling to reuse them, safeguarding both economic and environmental objectives.
Cuttings dryer reduces the amount of drilling waste that is produced and that which has to be transported and helps in recovering the reusable fluids. This makes a significant impact on the expenditure spend and helps in saving a lot of money, not to mention the environmental benefits.

Cutting dryer also reduces the amount of drill cuttings and wastes.
A normal dryer intake the wet drilling wastes and delivers the same amount of cuttings minus the drilling fluids. The drilling fluids are collected using centrifugal force and such dryers are normally called centrifugal dryers. Conventional dryers involve a number of steps for recycling drill fluids.
The cuttings have to be collected and transported to special equipment. This requires a large amount of manpower. Also, the transportation of cuttings poses several practical problems, such as the degradation of cuttings before they reach a dryer. This leads to the cuttings breaking down and makes fluid recovery more or less impractical, owing to its poor efficiency. As a result, this can actually increase the amount of drilling waste , making the whole process of fluid recovery a waste of time.
But new methods have now been developed by various industries for fluid recovery. It makes use of high speed air and pressure to recover fluids. The air dries the cuttings and is collected by a particular system to retrieve the drilling fluids.
As the machine can now be operated at less power, they require only minimum maintenance and manpower. The operating cost of such machines is way below the cost of centrifugal dryers and is less susceptible to mechanical failure. They also provide a greater output, resulting in a better efficiency.