Drilling Waste Management Market
Rapid technology development has improved drilling and production capacity to help exploration and production activities in deep water and ultra deepwater areas worldwide. These factors contributed to the development of the drilling waste management market.
It is expected that the drilling waste management market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.0% from 2015 to 2020 and reach US $ 50.8 billion by 2020. The market is driven by rising demand for oil and gas, which is due to increased investment in emerging economies with proven oideep water and ultra deepwater areas.
The global drilling waste management market is subdivided on the basis of service type, application type and geographical location. Handling and handling, containment and handling, and solid control are three types of services in the drilling waste management market.

Based on the application, the market is divided into two categories: sea and land. In terms of consumption, Europe and North America are the largest market for the entire drilling waste management industry due to extensive and extensive exploration and production activities across the region.
It is estimated that the next five years in North America will be the global leader in the drilling waste management market.
North America is classified according to countries entering the United States, Canada and Mexico. The region accounts for more than half of the market. As the global crude oil price collapses and the market is hit hardest, the number of US rigs dropped by nearly 60% from January 2015 to January 2016, mainly due to higher average cost and production of shale drilling, forcing producers to lower prices In the case of more drilling rigs, compared with other production areas in the lower cost of drilling rigs, such as the Middle East.
The drilling waste management market is dominated by development by Kosun (China), TWMA (U.K.), Ridgeline Energy Services (Canada) and Soli-Bond, Inc. (USA).
With years marketing experience, KOSUN have been expanded its market globally, and have been established the friendly partnership with GAZPROM, PEMEX, AVA, SOCAR, SAE, etc.
To ensure uninterrupted competitive service, KOSUN has a R&D group and an in-depth maintenance program for all our equipments.
KOSUN is international brand in solids control and drilling waste management equipments manufacturer with rich experience, and also engaged in the relevant global service.