Drilling Waste Management
Drilling waste management is one of the most frequent duties that should be performed in any drilling area. A skilled management system must be developed for the drilling waste management.
If any drilling company fails to perform certain sustainable procedure while drilling waste, it is certain to face the eye of the storm for the lack of competency in managing drilling waste. So, in order to solve this problem, a very approach has been taken by the drillers all around the world.

They have developed a certain agenda of fundamental procedure for drilling and disposing the drilling waste in an environment friendly way. This is called the oil and gas handbook for drilling waste management. Now, here is a brief discussion about the handbook of drilling waste management is given below.
The handbook of drilling waste management: According to the handbook in order to manage shale shaker generated oil and gas drilling waste, the construction and functioning of any commercial offshore waste management site, an application should be placed in front of the Environmental Bureau and to the oil conservation division.
A drilling company must confirm a financial assurance before establishing any waste management and disposal site in the area. Surface waste management facilities must only handle the non – intoxicating waste so that it can’t cause any environmental degradation.
There should be different approaches for managing different kinds of waste depending on their contaminating and radio activity level. The professionals that are responsible for managing the drilling waste must be certified and well trained. Drilling sites must not expose any intoxicating waste to the environment in any circumstance. After gathering waste from shale shaker, shaker screen there should be a proper and an extensive procedure to decontaminate the drilling waste right before the disposal.
Finally, the handbook for waste management provides the necessary and valuable guideline to the drillers for a sustainable waste management.