Drilling Mud Waste Management
Drilling mud waste management belongs to in Waste Management System.
Kosun drilling waste cuttings unit is a small package for different functions of drilling waste management .

Benefits and Features:
1 Easy to install: Every modular waste management components are self-contained and used for their own functions. The operator only needs to connect the hose through the quick connection and plug in the power supply module.
2 Fast delivery, price concessions: Although the layout is customized for different applications, but each module unit has a different selection criteria, which allows Kosun to mass production of large quantities of components, and to maintain the module unit inventory. This allows Kosun to give customers a good price for drilling the rapid delivery of waste management components.
3 Flexibility: Accoring to the application, the operator selects the component and provides only the required waste management unit for different jobs. In addition, due to the compact size of the modular unit, the operator can arrange the components at the construction site with the best flexibility.
4 Easy transport: Most rigs are located in remote areas, large transport is very difficult, and waste management components allow the operator to easily load components onto small trucks or longer trucks.
Drilling waste cutting equipment which we produce experience in API, IADC, ISO and CE certification for drilling solid control equipment and drilling waste cutting management equipment for more than 20 years.
The full range of solid control equipment includes settling centrifuge, mud shaker, mud washer, lean oil degasser, pump, mud tank system. Vertical centrifuges and related screw pumps and screw conveyors belong to our drilling waste management equipment business scope.
Not only the supply of drilling waste cuttings equipment, KOSUN also manufactures and manufactures spare parts for oil and gas related spare parts for drilling as a substitute for the equipment you are currently using.