Drilling Decanter Centrifuge
The main part of a Drilling waste management system is the decanter centrifuge. Decanter centrifuge is typically used for treatment of waste water, separation of slurry and sludge from oil etc. here are some ways to maximize the performance of a decanter centrifuge :
• It can be operated along with a Hi-g drying shaker for treating water based drilling waste or cuttings. After treating the waste with shakers, the mass is sent out into the decanter centrifuge for separating fine solids.

• Vertical cutting dryers are widely used in almost every drilling field. Using decanter centrifuge along with vertical dryer will help in treating oil based and synthetic based drilling waste . The cuttings are first treated in shale shakers, then in vertical dryers and then go onto the decanter centrifuge.
• Choosing the correct type of decanter centrifuge is also of utmost importance. Details of the equipment must be discussed with the supplier and the manufacturer. Operators can get a rough idea about the working performance and efficiency by looking through the data of machines in similar conditions.
• The decanter centrifuges you choose must be according to your design. Some applications require high speed while others require a big bowl for separation. Remember to always have a clear picture in your mind beforehand before buying the machine.
• The same model of the machine can also have minor difference is feeding technique, fluid level and layout of the machine. Any change in them can drastically affect the performance of the machine.
• Last but not least, the machine should be operated by a professional operator. Decanter centrifuge requires highly skilled operators for its functions. A lot of things depend on the capabilities of the operator. The major problem most jobsites suffer from is the lack of skilled operators. So, this aspect of the machine is no less important than the others.