The importance of waste oil-based drilling fluid treatment technology

With the development of oil and gas exploration and development in China, more and more multi-branch Wells, Horizontal Wells, and complex geological Wells are drilled, and the problem of wellbore stability is becoming more and more prominent. Oil-based drilling fluid technology receives more and more attention and continues to develop, and the corresponding amount of waste oil-based drilling fluid is increasing.

At present, a considerable amount of abandoned drilling oil base mud is directly used in landfill or re-injection without treatment, which not only wastes a lot of mineral oil resources, but also leads to soil, surface, and groundwater pollution, which directly or indirectly causes great harm to animals, plants and human health.

Due to the increasingly strict requirements of environmental protection departments on environmental pollution control, the development of a green circular economy has become the key to sustainable development, and a large number of waste oil-based drilling fluids have no safe and effective way out, which has become a serious burden on oil fields. From the perspective of environmental protection and economic benefits, it is particularly urgent and important to find an economical and efficient waste oil-based drilling fluids treatment and oil recovery technology.

Xi ‘an Kosun waste oil-based drilling fluid harmless treatment technology just solved this problem, our company has formed a complete set of oil mud drilling fluid treatment technology, that can achieve clean drilling mud, promote the coordinated development of oil and gas exploration and development and environmental protection, is of great significance to the development of the entire oil industry.

Xi ‘an Kosun oil-based drilling fluid harmless treatment system features:
1, large capacity continuous feeding device, processing capacity of up to 40-60 tons per hour;
2, efficient solid-liquid separation, so that the liquid content of drilling cuttings is minimized, the solid phase oil content after treatment is less than 5%, effectively separating and recovering a large number of reusable drilling fluid;
3, PLC integrated control, with automatic alarm indicator, can monitor temperature, torque, oil, and running time, easy to operate, safe, and reliable;
4, collapsible guardrail and walkway, easy to operators daily routine maintenance and disassembly and transportation.

Innovative Solutions for Oil Drilling Waste: “The Future of Slurry Disposal”

The oil drilling industry has long produced large amounts of waste, particularly in the form of oil slurry. This waste consists of a mixture of oil, water, and solid particles, posing significant environmental and logistical challenges to oil companies. However, with the development of innovative treatment technologies, the future of sludge management looks brighter than ever.

One of the most promising solutions for slurry treatment is the use of advanced separation and filtration processes. These technologies effectively separate oil, water and solid particles, thereby recovering valuable resources and reducing waste volumes. By implementing these processes, oil companies can not only minimize their impact on the environment but also increase operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Another key development in sludge treatment is the utilization of thermal desorption technology. The process involves heating an oil slurry to high temperatures, causing the oil to evaporate and separate from the solid particles. The recovered oil can be reused or sold, while the remaining solids can be safely disposed of or reused in other applications. Thermal desorption provides a sustainable and efficient method for managing slurry waste, reducing the need for traditional disposal methods such as landfills or incineration.

Furthermore, the integration of bioremediation technologies shows great potential in treating oil slurry waste. By harnessing the power of naturally occurring microorganisms, bioremediation can remediate contaminated soil and water by breaking down and degrading the organic components of the mud. This eco-friendly approach not only mitigates the environmental impact of oil slurry waste but also promotes the restoration of affected ecosystems.

As demand for oil continues to grow, the development and implementation of these innovative treatment technologies is critical to the sustainable management of oil drilling waste. By adopting these advancements, oil companies can minimize their environmental footprint, comply with regulations, and contribute to a more sustainable and responsible oil industry. The future of sludge handling is indeed promising, with these innovative solutions paving the way for a cleaner, more efficient oil drilling industry.

“Innovative Oil-Based Mud Treatment for Efficient Drilling Fluid Waste Management”

Oil drilling waste slurry disposal is an important aspect of the oil and gas industry as it directly impacts the environment and public health. Effective disposal of oil drilling waste slurry is critical to minimizing environmental impact and ensuring compliance with regulations. Here are some key strategies for effectively disposing of oil drilling waste slurry.

First, it is crucial to separate the solid and liquid components in the waste oil slurry. This can be achieved through mechanical separation techniques such as centrifugation or filtration. By removing solid particles from the slurry, the liquid portion can be processed more easily and the overall volume of waste can be reduced.

Once the solid and liquid components are separated, the next step is to process the liquid portion to remove contaminants and impurities. This can be done through various methods such as chemical, biological or thermal treatment. Chemical treatment involves the use of specific chemicals to break down and remove contaminants from the slurry. Biological treatment uses microorganisms to degrade organic compounds in the slurry, while thermal treatment involves the application of heat to evaporate and separate contaminants from the liquid.

In addition to disposing of the liquid portion, it is also important to properly manage the solid waste generated during the treatment process. This may involve dewatering solid waste to reduce its volume and facilitate proper disposal or recycling.

In addition, the use of advanced technologies such as electrocoagulation, membrane filtration or oxidation processes can significantly improve the processing efficiency of oil drilling waste oil slurry. These technologies help achieve higher levels of contaminant removal and reduce the overall environmental impact of the treatment process.

It is also important to prioritize the reuse and recycling of treated slurries whenever possible. By recycling and reusing treated slurry, waste generation can be minimized, resulting in cost savings and environmental benefits.

In summary, efficient disposal of oil drilling waste slurries requires a combination of mechanical separation, efficient treatment methods, advanced technologies, and a focus on waste minimization and recycling. By implementing these strategies, the oil and gas industry can effectively manage oil drilling waste slurry while minimizing its impact on the environment.

Solids Control Equipment: A Key Component in Efficient Drilling Operations

In the oil and gas industry, the efficient management of drilling waste is crucial for both environmental protection and operational cost-effectiveness. Solids control equipment plays a vital role in this process, ensuring that drilling fluids are properly managed and recycled, while also minimizing the environmental impact of drilling operations. Additionally, the use of mud-zero discharge equipment and oily sludge treatment equipment further enhances the overall efficiency and sustainability of drilling activities.

Solids control equipment is designed to remove solid particles from drilling fluids, ensuring that the fluid properties are maintained within the required specifications for efficient drilling operations. This equipment typically includes shale shakers, desanders, desilters, and centrifuges, all of which work together to separate and remove solid particles from the drilling mud. By effectively controlling the solid content in the drilling fluid, solids control equipment helps to prevent equipment wear, maintain wellbore stability, and reduce the overall cost of drilling operations.

Economic Benefit Evaluation of Drilling Waste Management

Economic Benefit Evaluation of Drilling Waste Management

At present, more and more customers have noticed the considerable prospects of domestic oil mud sand treatment projects, and drilling chip drying machines are one of the common separation methods of many oil sand separation methods. However, what is the economic benefit of the cuttings dryer used in the recovery of waste oil-based drilling fluids?

Drilling cuttings dryer
Let’s do a simple analysis:

  1. The oil content of drilling cuttings in oil-based drilling fluid is generally set at 20%, and the oil content of drilling cuttings is about 10% after being dried. The processing capacity of the dryer is about 10t/h, and the 25 tons of cuttings can recover 1 ton of oil-containing impurities (the drilling cuttings density is 2.5t/m3). After purification, 0.4 tons of oil is obtained. Each ton of oil can make a profit of 15,000 yuan, 0.4t×1.5 yuan /t= 6,000 yuan.

2, the centralized construction of the factory needs 7 personnel. The annual cost of personnel is about 1 million yuan (calculated by the approximate annual income of employees), and the daily cost of each person is about 397 yuan. It costs 2,778 yuan per day for seven people.

3, the equipment depreciation fee is paid 250÷3÷12÷30≈2315 yuan/day (the total production of equipment is calculated by 2.5 million yuan). Recycling 1 ton of oil needs to pay a depreciation fee of 2315÷24×3=289 yuan. (Solid control equipment shall be depreciated in 3 years, 360 days per year)

  1. Site construction and leasing fee 100÷3÷12÷30=926 yuan/day. (Site construction and leasing fees are calculated at 1 million yuan)

5, equipment electricity: according to the dryer per hour to deal with oil-based drilling cuttings 10 tons, the production of 1 ton of oil products needs 2.5 hours of electricity cost of 40×2×2.5×1≈200 yuan

6, vehicle usage fee: 30 tons of vehicles cost 1200 yuan per trip, 400 yuan per ton, each production of 1 ton of oil needs to transport 25×400=1000 yuan

  1. Diesel and water charge 50 yuan
  2. The equipment maintenance cost is about 50 yuan

9, other expenses about 200 yuan, (environmental protection, fire protection, going out, outsourcing, etc.).

6000-289-200-2778-1000-50-50-200-926=507 yuan

The two drying machines can produce 6.4 tons of oil products for 8 hours a day, generating 38,400 yuan and making a profit of 3224.8 yuan